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Complain about 3F

If you are a member of 3F and believe that you have lost money due to mistakes made by 3F, you have the opportunity to submit a complaint to 3F's independent appeal institution.

3F has set up a complaints institution, which deals with complaints from members who believe they have suffered a financial loss, due to an error committed by the local 3F union or in the national 3F federation. The error could be in case processing's or due to poor advice.

3F´s appeal institution consists of a Complaints Council's Secretariat, a Complaints Council and a Mediator. The secretariat consists of lawyers. The Complaints Council consists of elected in 3F and three lawyers. The mediator is a ​​independent judge.

The complaint is sent by ordinary mail to: The Complaints Council's Secretariat. There is a form that you can use, see the link at the bottom. The member does not necessarily have to be able to calculate the financial loss in full, but must be able to ensure that the case has economic value for the member.

Once the Complaints Council's secretariat has received your complaint, the Complaints Council's Secretariat assess whether the complaint can be processed by the Complaints Council. If the complaint can be processed, the case will be created in the secretariat, and your complaint will be sent to all parties involved in the case. You will have the opportunity to comment on the statements. From experience, this correspondence takes some time, and you must be a member of 3F throughout the process.

Once the case is fully informed, it will be settled. The complaint is initially processed by the Complaints Council. The Complaints Council's decision can then be appealed to the Mediator. If the member wins the case, the member will be financially compensated.

In fact, 3F's impartial appeals institution often decides cases in favor of members, so it's certainly not a waste of time to complain, if a mistake has been made and you can prove it.

You can log in to MIT3F and read more about 3F´'s appeal institution as well as download instructions and complaint form via this link:

All documents are in Danish, so you need either an interpreter or a translator app like Google translate.

If you need help, you can try to ask your union-club for help.

Read about clubs here: https://tema.3f.dk/bjmfimmigrant/about-the-union/clubs-in-bjmf