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The board in BJMF

The Board is the supreme authority in the trade union between the general assembly. Here you can read who is in the board. 

Below you see a list of words that should make it possible for you to understand the danish page, describing who is elected for what group in the BJMF board.

Bestyrelse  Board 
Ordinær generalforsamling  Annual general meeting 
Daglig ledelse  Daily management 
Bestyrelsesmedlemmer  Board members 
Byggegruppe  Construction Group 
Suppleanter  Deputies selected 
Servicegruppen  Service Group 
Formand  Chairman 
Murer  Mason /bricklayer 
Tømrer  Carpenter 
Beton & struktør  Concrete worker 
A-kasseleder  Unemployment fond leader 
Kasserer Cashier 
Glarmester  Glazier 
Isolering  Insulation worker 
Gartner  Gartner