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MigrantCenter helps workers in Denmark who do not speak Danish

The MigrantCenter Copenhagen offers: Free information and counselling, independent and trustworthy volunteers and staff, interpretation into several languages, full anonymity and confidentiality and collaboration with strong organisations.
Af MigrantCenter Copenhagen

MigrantCenter Copenhagen provides help for migrant workers who experience problems in Denmark. The crew at the center consists of volunteers with vast knowledge of the Danish labour market. The volunteers will typically have a trade union background, or they will be law students or social workers. The MigrantCenter are established by the FH trade union movement in the Greater Copenhagen area, but you don’t have to be a member to get help at the center.

The center is open and free for all migrant workers. Counselling is free of charge and, if necessary, they will provide interpretation.

Here is a small selection of the things that MigrantCenter can help with:

Problems with understanding Danish language letters?
You can visit MigrantCenter during MigrantCenter´s opening hours and they will verbally help you understand letters from SIRI, A-kasse, Jobcenter, citizen services and similar institutions. MigrantCenter´s volunteers can also help you obtain MitID and use it, for example to communicate with the public sector, the bank and much more.

Sick or injured at work?
Many migrant workers who become ill or suffer an injury at work never receive either the sickness benefits or sick pay to which they are entitled. In some cases, this can be hundreds of thousands of kroner that workers miss out on.

Our skilled volunteers will help you understand the rules on sickness benefits or sick pay and advise you on how to get what you are entitled to.

Poor housing and high rent?
In Denmark, the rent is regulated by law, and there is a limit to how high it can be. MigrantCenter´s volunteers can help you understand the Danish law and get in contact with organisations that will help you with unfair living conditions.

Too little or no pay at all?
In Denmark, wages are not governed by legislation, but by collective agreements between companies and trade unions. 50% of all workers are members of a trade union, and 70% of all companies have a collective agreement with a trade union. The collective agreement determines: your salary, pension, work time and overtime pay. MigrantCenter´s skilled volunteers will help you understand the rules that apply to your work, and advise you on the possibilities in case you are cheated. If you choose to sign up with a FH trade union, they will help you do this and support you when communicating with the trade union.

These are just a few things they can help you with. Come by MigrantCenter for a talk about your situation.

MigrantCenter Copenhagen is open Tuesdays and Thursday 16.00 – 18.00
The address: Bregnerødgade 8, street level, 2400 København N.
Phone: +45 40 63 85 80
Email: [email protected]

Public transport directions:
MigrantCenter is located 300 meters from Nørrebro Metro and S-train station.
With the following buses:
5C, 4A, 250S and 350S.

Car directions:
If you come off the highway, the easiest exit is via Route 16 to Borups Allé, Hillerødgade, and to Bregnerødgade.

Bregnerødgade and the neighbouring street Tikøbgade are located in the yellow payment zone, which is the cheapest payment zone in Copenhagen.

Read more here: www.migrantcenter.dk www.facebook.com/migrantcenterhovedstaden