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Polish club will step up its activities

On July 18, 2021 Polish-speaking members participated in The Polish Construction Club General Assembly.
PKB’s new board. From left: Sławomir, Tomasz and Łukasz.
PKB’s new board. From left: Sławomir, Tomasz and Łukasz.

The Polish Construction Club PKB is a club for BJMF members who speak Polish. BJMF has chosen to support the establishment of clubs for members who do not speak Danish, to ensure that dozens of groups are heard in the union and in Denmark. 

Reed about the clubs here: https://tema.3f.dk/bjmfimmigrant/about-the-union/clubs-in-bjmf

Due to the pandemic, PKB was limited in scope for action, but now that the pandemic is about to subside, PKB will step up its activities. And it was unanimously agreed that the PKB needs to create a Polish-language pages in the union newspaper. Today, branch clubs in BJMF publish their own pages in the BJMF union newspaper, in every other issue of the newspaper. It has long been possible for language clubs with more than 150 members to make their own newspaper as well, and now the PKB general assembly has decided to make a Polish version.

The general assembly also agreed that the PKB will meet on Saturdays. The next meeting will be on Saturday, August 28 at 4pm. The next meeting will design clothes, business cards, leaflets, letterhead, stamps, etc.

Proposals for the for the forthcoming collective agreement negotiations were also discussed, and there was agreement on the following requirements:

  • Deletion of paragraphs 10 and 11 from collective agreements
  • Increase the minimum wage (minimum by DKK 30)
  • Paid breaks
  • Overtime is paid on the basis of the contract, not the minimum wage
  • Shop steward selection when there are already 2 trade union members, not as before 5
  • A max of 8-hour work day for crane operators, just like truck drivers do. Some countries have already introduced this regulation, including Poland (possibility of installing tachographs and breathalysers on cranes)
  • Reduction in full-time working hours (6 hours a day or 30 a week)

Finally, a board of three was elected, consisting of Tomasz Burian as Chairman, Sławomir Świętek as Vice-Chairman and Łukasz Klar as Treasurer. The three colleagues will represent the 190 Polish-speaking members of the BJMF.