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Membership advantages (Medlemsfordele)

As a 3F member, you will automatically have a number of favourable membership advantages and discounts

When you become a member, you will get the best professional and legal help. But, also, you will have a lot of cash membership benefits.

Pluscard discount in 1,500 shops

As soon as you have become a 3F member, you will automatically receive a Pluscard which will provide favourable discounts in a number of shops. For instance, you can get a discount on glasses, paint, tires and telephony. Read more on www.pluskort.dk.

Group life insurance

As a member of 3F, you are automatically comprised by group life insurance and, in the event of your death, your family will be eligible for compensation. Read more about the insurance.

Personal accident insurance

For only DKK 38 per month, you get insurance coverage should you be involved in an accident in your spare time. Read more about the insurance.

Discount on insurance

3F members will get a discount on insurance taken out with Alka. On an annual basis, 3F members will ordinarily save about DKK 3,000 on insurance. Further information.