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Labour rights

3F is committed to promoting fair and decent working conditions based on support to and solidarity with workers all over the world. It is our goal to ensure that human rights and particularly workers' rights are respected as set out by the International Labour Organisation (ILO).

ILO Core Conventions
  • Forced Labour Convention (89)
  • Freedom of association and Protection of the Right to Organise Convention (87)
  • Right to Organise and Collective Bargaining Convention (98)
  • Equal Remuneration Convention (100)
  • Abolition of Forced Labour Convention (105)
  • Discrimination (Employment and Occupation) Convention (111)
  • Minimum Age Convention (138)
  • Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention (182)

The ILO has four strategic objectives:

  1. Promote and realize standards, fundamental principles and rights at work
  2. Create greater opportunities for women and men to decent employment and income
  3. Enhance the coverage and effectiveness of social protection for all
  4. Strengthen tripartism and social dialogue

ILO's objectives should be implemented through enhancing the dialogue between employers, the employed and governments to promote workers' rights and social protection. 3F supports partner trade unions around the world to work for the ratification of the ILO conventions, to oversee their implementation and report any violations.

3F also works with partners to ensure that private companies adhere to the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human rights as well as other frameworks like the Global Compact.

Read more here: ILO's website

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